
Shattered Glass - Pass The Pepto

Just finished Shattered Glass, an intriguing and well made movie about Stephen Glass. It made me nervous. Nobody does realistic anger or disgust like Peter Sarsgaard. It's pretty astounding that so many of the Glass articles were cleared. I am puzzled. It seems like it would be easier to research and produce real stories than to have to fabricate sources and details. Too much to juggle. Especially with the threat of being discredited looming over you. If one has the chops to get through the door at The New Republic or The New York Times (Jayson Blair), why would there be any need to concoct stories? Why would someone want to? Shouldn't journalistic integrity be of utmost importance at that level? Why not just legitimately go the fiction route to begin with? Not as sexy, I know, but still. Fact checkers? Sheesh. Um, I guess that's why they made the movie. I think I may have developed an ulcer while watching this.


Blogger Jess  said...

I watched this the other day on HBO and it did seem really odd that those stories would make it through the editing and fact-checking process. It was a really uncomfortable movie. I watched it initially to see if Hayden Christensen is capable of better acting...he is, but only slightly

Friday, September 16, 2005  
Blogger stacie  said...

I don't think Christensen looks that much like the real Glass.

Friday, September 16, 2005  

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