
Please and Thanks

-"Plz" instead of "Please"
-"Thanx" instead of "Thanks"
-"For Reals" / "For Real"
-When a new album is described as being ready to "drop"

I had a run-in at work with a clone of "Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy." I explained my dilemma and there was an uncomfortable pause. Nick-II then asked "Can I sit down?" with a tone, not unlike when Nick-I shouts "move" and bats away the computer idiot. It made me (computer idiot) laugh and I cleared out of there. The problem was solved instantly, which I appreciated greatly. Later on at home, when trying to deal with a new account set-up, I had a much more pleasant phone transaction with a friendly person named Sayid. Thanks Sayid.

Note: I have a new email address and am currently unable to access my old account. More to follow.

TV Talk/Save it for TWOP:
Surprise. I love Meet the Barkers.
Is Gilmore Girls doing the white lines?
