
Happy Birthday Rieschelle

Happy Birthday Rieschelle: Hope lots of Nutella-laden waffles and an iPod come your way.

Weezer's Rolling Stone Cover
Such a thrill. The cover: "The Weird World of Weezer: Rivers Cuomo Hasn't Had Sex in Two Years, and Boy, Is He Ready to Rock." Jeez Louise. I've long thought of Brian Bell as being my friend Katie's soul mate. They'd be perfect together and would make an absolutely striking ReadyMade cover couple. The article goes into Cuomo's search for a lady friend; he tells a story about filling out the damn eHarmony questionaire only to be told he was not a match for anyone. eHarmony is a joke. There is a photo inside where Cuomo sports a neat Penguin tie and appears to be wearing eyeliner. A little Billie Joe Armstrong-esque.

Amie and I went to the movies. We saw The Interpreter and Fever Pitch. The Interpreter was ok, a bit lackluster. Catherine Keener was the best part. Fever Pitch was really cute. Jimmy Fallon is funny and charming and wears long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts, which I happen to like.

The most generic thing I've heard all week, maybe all year:
"If I could be in any band, I think it would be the Beatles. That would be a lot of fun."

Tina Fey is a peach.

I've seen a lot of my favorite people on tv lately:
-Stew the Meatman from Strangers with Candy on Curb
-Bob Balaban on Seinfeld
-Taylor Nichols from Metropolitan, Barcelona and that one Whirlpool commercial on Grey's Anatomy (No Bible dancing unfortunately)
-And I think I heard Will Arnett's voice on a T. Rowe Price commercial
-Those Michael Ian Black/Jim Gaffigan pop commericals are a hoot

I've already mentioned Joe's articles and Amie's lovely sites. Everyone should also check out the websites of Bill "Sonsabitches" Eseltine and Justin Cooley, as well as their friend Michael Degnan. They're some smart, funny fellas. (HINT HINT: As soon as Brooke, Katie and Matthew begin blogs, they too will receive mentions)
