
Awards Season Kickoff

The Critics Choice Awards were on tonite. Kind of an awkward show at times, (some smug star behavior can always be expected) but it is pretty amazing how many exceptional movies are out there right now. I need to see more, I've missed quite a few (The Constant Gardener, Grizzly Man, Munich....) Panic is setting in.

Brokeback Mountain did very well (yippie!) winning best picture, director (Ang Lee) and supporting actress (Michelle Williams, who tied with Amy Adams- who tonite looked like a cute redhead Ione Skye clone.) Good going Brokeback Mountain!

Glad that both Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giamatti won. They are both neat and it was funny to see them joke about their scruff-tastic looks.

Also, it was nice to see The 40 YO Virgin win best comedy. What a sweet movie.

I thought that Catherine Keener and Reese Witherspoon were the best dressed gals and had the nicest hairdos. Catherine Keener is so cool.

Looking forward to more. Hoping to possibly throw either a Golden Globes or Oscars shindig. More to follow.
