
"lloyd presents cocoon"

I saw X-3 this evening. It was entertaining, I must say, despite my bitching in previous posts. The laugh out loud moment was the line that went something like this: "She must have cocooned herself in a trans-kinetic energy field." And "Oh my stars and garters" was pretty funny too. I was worried we would not see any new characters. Not so. I think they take some liberties with characters, which I'm not too keen on. I need to find a Marvel dictionary and get to the bottom of this pronto. Dork moment #1. Dork moment #2: during a pivotal moment in the movie, I thought to myself, they did the same thing on Buffy five years ago. Yikes. They certainly leave ample room for another movie.

The Criterion edition of Metropolitan is out on DVD. For awhile now, but still. In a related note, might Brandon Davis be the Rick Von Sloneker of our day?

Song of the day: Weezer's "In the Garage" (the x-men references)
