
cue the bewildered golden girls music?

Right now I'm into The Golden Girls and reading about fundamentalist Mormons. It's a weird time.

My latest thing is describing something as good or bad based upon what type of music they would play on The Golden Girls in that given situation.

"Cue the happy Golden Girls music" - something positive/happy/cool
Example: "I can't wait to see the new Casey Affleck movie, Lonesome Jim. Cue the happy Golden Girls music!"

"Cue the sad Golden Girls music" - something sad/bad/otherwise crummy
Example: "My cd player broke this afternoon. Cue the sad Golden Girls music."

This is more strange than the time the phrases "Constant-i-no-thank-you" and "Not cool Zeus" were a big part of my vocabulary. Both courtesy of one Mr. Conan O'Brien. Still use them today.

I heard the song "Tenderness" by General Public. They play it at the end of Clueless, the last of the good teen movies. I still remember when it came out. It was just before my best pal Helen moved away, things seemed possible then. Awww shucks.

TV things:
-The Shield season finale was crazy.
-Big Love. They can really go places with this one.
-I really enjoy reading Jenna Fischer's weekly blog. She plays Pam on The Office. She writes about the show and her interests and things. Very cute. She seems like the kind of gal I could shop at Target with. High praise.

To Do:
I'm getting my passport pics taken this weekend. And filling out the application too. Taking the thing in to be processed next week. It will happen. The time is now.
